Research group

Group photos

March 2024

January 2022

Current Postdoctoral scholars

Wenqing Wang 

Wenqing Wang     GoogleScholar    GitHub

PhD in Mechanical Engineering, University of Texas at Dallas

BS in Automation, Beijing Technology and Business University

Current PhD students

Alexis Teter 

Alexis Teter     GoogleScholar    GitHub

  Achievement Rewards for College Scientists (ARCS) Foundation Fellowship (2024-25)

PhD in Applied Mathematics, UC Santa Cruz

BS in Applied Mathematics, UC Los Angeles

Georgiy Bondar 

Georgiy Bondar     GoogleScholar    GitHub

  Dean's Fellowship (2022-23)

PhD in Applied Mathematics, UC Santa Cruz

BS in Computer Engineering, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Current MS students

Tushar Sial 

Tushar Sial    GitHub

MS in Aerospace Engineering, Iowa State University

BS in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani

Current Undergraduate students

Dylan Brehm 

Dylan Brehm    GitHub

  NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) (2024)

BS in Aerospace Engineering, Iowa State University

Former Postdoctoral scholars

Sachin Shivakumar 

Sachin Shivakumar     GoogleScholar    GitHub

PhD in Mechanical Engineering, Arizona State University

MS in Mechanical Engineering, Arizona State University

B.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Former PhD students

Iman Nodozi 

Iman Nodozi     GoogleScholar    GitHub

  O. Hugo Schuck Best Application Paper Award from American Automatic Control Council (2024)

  Baskin School of Engineering Dissertation Year Fellowship (2023-24)

  UC Santa Cruz Regent's Fellowship (2019-20)

PhD Dissertation: Measure-valued Proximal Recursions for Learning and Control

PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering, UC Santa Cruz

MS in Electrical Engineering (Control), Imam Khomeini International University, Iran

Shadi Haddad 

Shadi Haddad     GoogleScholar    GitHub

  Applied Mathematics Research Award (2021-22)

  UC Santa Cruz Chancellor's Fellowship (2019-20)

PhD Dissertation: A Geometric Approach for Learning Reach Sets

PhD in Applied Mathematics, UC Santa Cruz

MS in Mechanical Engineering, University of Tehran, Iran

Kenneth Caluya 

Kenneth Caluya     GoogleScholar    GitHub

PhD Dissertation: Generalized Gradient Flows for Density Prediction, Control and Learning

PhD in Applied Mathematics, UC Santa Cruz

BS in Mathematics, UC Riverside

Former MS students

Charlie Yan 

Charlie Yan    GitHub

MS Thesis: Neural Schrödinger Bridge with Sinkhorn Losses

MS in Electrical and Computer Engineering, UC Santa Cruz

Dual degree in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, University of Michigan

Qingyuan Cui 

Qingyuan Cui     GitHub

MS Thesis: Graph Curvature for COVID-19 Network Risk Analytics

MS in Scientific Computing and Applied Mathematics, UC Santa Cruz

BA in Mathematics, UC Santa Cruz

Lia Gianfortone 

Lia Gianfortone     GitHub

MS Thesis: Ellipsoidal Algorithm for Fast Computation of Reachable Tubes

MS in Scientific Computing and Applied Mathematics, UC Santa Cruz

BS in Physics, Computer Science, UC Santa Cruz

Former Undergraduate students

Adam Korycki 

Adam Korycki

BS in Computer Engineering, UC Santa Cruz

Karthik Sivaramakrishnan 

Karthik Sivaramakrishnan

Senior Thesis: Ollivier-Ricci Curvature for Directed Weighted Graphs

BA in Mathematics, Minor in Computer Science, UC Santa Cruz

Former High School students

Pranav Ernacki 

Pranav Eranki     GitHub

Cupertino High School, Cupertino, CA