Invited Talks


59. Generalized Schrödinger Bridges in Learning and Control
       Topics in Learning and Control
       INFORMS Applied Probability Society Conference
       Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA [Month DD, 2025]

58. Optimal Transport
       Lawrence Livermore National Lab, CA [March 03, 2024]

57. Ideas in Control: Architecture and Optimality
       Lawrence Livermore National Lab, CA [Feb. 24, 2024]

56. Generalized Schrödinger Bridges in Learning and Control
       Mechanical Colloquium
       New Jersey Institute of Technology, NJ [Feb. 12, 2025]

55. Generalized Schrödinger Bridges in Learning and Control
       Computational and Applied Math Seminar, Department of Mathematics
       Iowa State University, Ames, IA [Feb. 10, 2025]


54. Generalized Schrödinger Bridges
       Decision Superiority Seminar
       Lawrence Livermore National Lab, CA [December 05, 2024]

53. Generalized Schrödinger Bridges
       5th Workshop on Physics Informed Machine Learning
       Center for Nonlinear Studies at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM [October 17, 2024]

52. Weyl Calculus and Exactly Solvable Schrödinger Bridges with Quadratic State Cost
       60th Annual Allerton Conference Session: Duality in Control, Inference, and Learning
       National Center for Supercomputing Applications, Urbana, IL [September 25, 2024]

51. Generalized Schrödinger Bridges
       Department of Mathematics
       University of Iowa, Iowa City [September 03, 2024]

50. New Developments in Schrödinger Bridge: A Stochastic Control Viewpoint
       Learning, Computation and Control Seminar, Department of Mathematics
       Imperial College, London [June 06, 2024]

49. Generalized Schrödinger Bridges
       Level Set Seminar, Department of Mathematics
       University of California, Los Angeles [May 13, 2024]

48. New Developments in Schrödinger Bridge, Stochastic Control and Stochastic Learning
       Guidance, Navigation and Control Meeting, Department of Aerospace Engineering
       Iowa State University, Ames [April 02, 2024]

47. New Developments in Schrödinger Bridge, Stochastic Control and Stochastic Learning
       Analysis and Probability Seminar, Department of Mathematics
       Iowa State University, Ames [March 06, 2024]


46. Multimarginal Schrödinger Bridge for Probabilistic Learning of Hardware Resource Usage by Control Software
       CPS Frontier Project Workshop
       University of California, Berkeley, CA [November 22, 2023]

45. A Distributed Algorithm for Wasserstein Proximal Operator Splitting
       Decision and Control Seminar
       University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL [November 01, 2023]

44. Neural Schrödinger Bridge for Minimum Effort Stochastic Control of Colloidal Self-Assembly
       Mathematics and Deep Learning Collective, Department of Mathematics
       Iowa State University, Ames [September 27, 2023]

43. Measure-valued Gradient Flows for Stochastic Prediction, Estimation, Control and Learning
       Translational AI Center Seminar
       Iowa State University, Ames [September 22, 2023]

42. Recent Developments in Schrödinger Bridge and Optimal Density Steering
       Guest lecture in Math 577 course on "Stochastic Control and Learning" by Misha Chertkov, Special Applied Mathematics Seminar
       University of Arizona, Tuscon [September 18, 2023]

41. A Distributed Algorithm for Wasserstein Proximal Operator Splitting
       Mini-symposium on Mean Field Games and Optimal Transport with Applications in Data Science and Biology
       10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM), Tokyo, JAPAN [August 21, 2023]

40. Neural Schrödinger Bridge for Minimum Effort Stochastic Control of Colloidal Self-Assembly
       SIAM mini-symposium on Optimal Transport: Theory and Applications in Systems and Control
       2023 SIAM Conference on Control and Its Applications, Philadelphia, PA [July 25, 2023]

39. Finite Horizon Optimal Density Regulation for Nonlinear Systems
       IEEE Control Systems Society Chapter Invited Talk
       Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, INDIA [January 16, 2023]


38. Generalized Gradient Flows for Stochastic Prediction, Estimation, Learning and Control
       Aerospace Engineering Department Seminar Series
       Iowa State University, IA [November 17, 2022]

37. A Distributed Algorithm for Wasserstein Proximal Operator Splitting: Theory and Applications
       Applied Mathematics Department Seminar
       University of California, Santa Cruz, CA [November 07, 2022]

36. A Distributed Algorithm for Wasserstein Proximal Operator Splitting: Theory and Applications
       Mechanical Engineering Department Seminar Series
       University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL [November 04, 2022]

35. Finite Horizon Optimal Density Steering for Nonlinear Systems
       Palo Alto Research Center [June 14, 2022]

34. Prediction and Optimal Feedback Control of Probability Densities in Power System Dynamics
       2022 NSF AMPS PIs Workshop
       George Mason University [May 26, 2022]

33. Generalized Gradient Flows for Stochastic Prediction, Estimation, Learning and Control
       Yahoo! Research [March 30, 2022]

32. Generalized Gradient Flows for Stochastic Prediction, Estimation, Learning and Control
       Optimal Transport and Mean Field Games Seminar
       University of South Carolina, SC [January 26, 2022]

31. Generalized Gradient Flows for Stochastic Prediction, Estimation, Learning and Control
       Technical Design Review
       Ford Research and Advanced Engineering [January 20, 2022]


30. Stochastic Uncertainty Propagation in Power System Dynamics using Measure-valued Proximal Recursions
       Two Day Workshop on Uncertainty Management in Power System Dynamics
       60th IEEE conference on Decision and Control, Virtual [Dec 12, 2021]

29. Uncertainties and Feedback Control in Mars Entry-Descent-Landing
       2021 COSMOS Discovery Lecture
       California State Summer School for Mathematics and Science (COSMOS), University of California Santa Cruz, CA [July 19, 2021]

28. Finite Horizon Optimal Density Regulation for Nonlinear Systems
       Full Day Workshop on Control of Distributions: Theory and Applications
       2021 American Control Conference, Virtual [May 24, 2021]

27. Anytime Ellipsoidal Over-approximation of Forward Reach Sets of Uncertain Linear Systems
       Workshop on Computation-Aware Algorithmic Design for Cyber-Physical systems
       2021 CPS-IoT week [May 18, 2021]


26. Stochastic Uncertainty Propagation in Power System Dynamics using Measure-valued Proximal Recursions
       2020 NSF AMPS PIs Workshop
       Virtual event [Novemeber 19, 2020]

25. Wasserstein Gradient Flow for Stochastic Prediction, Filtering, Learning and Control
       Controls, Autonomy and Robotics Seminar
       University of Texas Austin, TX [Novemeber 18, 2020]

24. Wasserstein Gradient Flow for Stochastic Prediction, Filtering, Learning and Control
       Probabilistics Seminar Series
       GE Research, NY [May 27, 2020]

23. Wasserstein Gradient Flow for Filtering and control: Theory and Algorithms
       SIAM mini-symposium on "Optimal Control Methods for Nonlinear Filtering and Data Assimilation", SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification (UQ)
       Munich, Germany [March 26, 2020]
       Canceled due to COVID-19

22. Wasserstein Gradient Flow for Stochastic Prediction, Filtering and Control: Theory and Algorithms
       Dept. of Applied Mathematics
       Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA [February 25, 2020]


21. Toward Feedback Control of Densities in Nonlinear Systems
       Uncertainty Synthesis Workshop at 2019 CDC
       Nice, France [December 10, 2019]

20. Fast Computation of Approximate Reachable Tubes for Robotics Applications
       2019 Bay Area Robotics Symposium
       University of California Berkeley, CA [November 15, 2019]

19. Wasserstein Gradient Flow for Stochastic Prediction, Filtering and Control: Theory and Algorithms
       Google Research
       Mountain View, CA [October 31, 2019]

18. Optimal Transport Algorithms for Stochastic Uncertainty Propagation in Power Systems
       2019 NSF AMPS PIs Workshop
       George Washington University, Washington DC [October 23, 2019]

17. Wasserstein Gradient Flow for Stochastic Prediction, Filtering and Control: Theory and Algorithms
       Applied Mathematics Seminar
       University of California Santa Cruz, CA [October 7, 2019]

16. Wasserstein Gradient Flow for Stochastic Prediction, Filtering and Control: Theory and Algorithms
       Center for Control, Dynamical Systems, and Computation Seminar
       University of California Santa Barbara, CA [October 4, 2019]

15. Gradient Flows for Prediction and Control of Densities
       Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
       University of California Santa Cruz, CA [May 20, 2019]


14. Gradient Flows in Uncertainty Propagation and Filtering
       Mathematics and Statistics Colloquium
       San Jose State University, CA [October 10, 2018]

13. Fast Computation of Reachable Tubes for Provably Safe Unmanned Aerial System Traffic Management
       Center for Information Technology in the Interest of Society (CITRIS) “People and Robots” and “Design of Robotics and Embedded systems, Analysis, and Modeling” (DREAMS) Seminar
       University of California Berkeley, CA [February 12, 2018]


12. Filtering as Gradient Descent
       Applied Mathematics Seminar
       University of California Santa Cruz, CA [December 4, 2017]

11. Unmanned Aerial Systems Traffic Management
       Second Annual Center for Research in Open Source Software (CROSS) Research Symposium
       University of California Santa Cruz, CA [October 4, 2017]

10. Gradient Flows in Uncertainty Propagation and Filtering of Linear Gaussian Systems
       32nd Southern California Control Workshop
       Caltech, CA [April 21, 2017]

9. Analysis and Control of Large Scale Aerospace Systems: from Planetary Landing to Drone Traffic Management
       Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, Mississippi State University, MS [April 13, 2017]

8. Control of Large Scale Cyberphysical Systems
       Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Syracuse University, NY [March 31, 2017]

7. Control of Large Scale Cyberphysical Systems
       Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of Texas at Dallas, TX [March 20, 2017]

6. Control of Large Scale Cyberphysical Systems
       Dept. of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, University of California Santa Cruz, CA [January 27, 2017]


5. Architecture and Algorithms for the LSE to Manage Thermal Inertial Loads
       Comverge Inc., Denver, CO [December 5, 2016]

4. Architecture and Algorithms for the LSE to Manage Thermal Inertial Loads
       Workshop on Architecture and Economics of the Future Grid
       Texas A&M University, College Station, TX [November 3, 2016]


3. A Control Framework for Demand Response of Thermal Inertial Loads
       Electric Power and Power Electronics Institute Seminar
       Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX [October 26, 2015]


2. Probabilistic Methods for Model Validation, Verification and Refinement
       Schlumberger-Doll Research Center, Cambridge, MA [July 8, 2014]


1. Probabilistic Model Validation for Uncertain Nonlinear Systems
       Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL [May 15, 2012]