Abhishek Halder
[Feb 12, 2024] Delivered invited talk Generalized Schrödinger Bridges in Learning and Control in Mechanical Colloquium at New Jersey Institute of Technology
[Feb 10, 2024] Delivered invited talk Generalized Schrödinger Bridges in Learning and Control in Computational and Applied Math Seminar at Iowa State University
[Jan 24, 2025] Congratulations Georgiy for Advancement to Ph.D. Candidacy: Tensor Optimization Problems in Optimal Transport
[Jan 14, 2025] New manuscript: CORD: Co-design of Resource Allocation and Deadline Decomposition with Generative Profiling
[Jan 14, 2025] Sachin joins Theoretical Division in Los Alamos National Lab . Congrats Sachin!
[Jan 08,2025] Joined as Associate Editor in ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control
[Jan 06, 2025] Started mini-sabbatical at the Physics Division in Lawrence Livermore National Lab
[Dec 17, 2024] New manuscript: Sum-of-Squares Programming for Ma-Trudinger-Wang Regularity of Optimal Transport Maps
[Dec 05, 2024] Delivered invited talk Generalized Schrödinger Bridges in Decision Superiority Seminar at Lawrence Livermore National Lab, CA
[Nov 14, 2024] Had wonderful time attending CPS Frontier Mid Year Review at Estes Park, CO
[Oct 17, 2024] Delivered invited talk Generalized Schrödinger Bridges in 5th Workshop on Physics Informed Machine Learning at Los Alamos National Lab, NM
[Sep 25, 2024] Delivered invited talk Weyl Calculus and Exactly Solvable Schrödinger Bridges with Quadratic State Cost in 60th Annual Allerton Conference Session: Duality in Control, Inference, and Learning at National Center for Supercomputing Applications, Urbana, IL
[Sep 24, 2024] Our paper Probabilistic Lambert Problem: Connections with Optimal Mass Transport, Schrödinger Bridge and Reaction-Diffusion PDEs is accepted in SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems
[Sep 03, 2024] Delivered invited talk Generalized Schrödinger Bridges in Department of Mathematics at University of Iowa, Iowa City
Academic Year 2023-24
[Aug 22, 2024] Alexis presented [slides] our work Solution of the Probabilistic Lambert's Problem: Optimal Transport Approach in 2024 Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS)
[Aug 12, 2024] Our paper Weyl Calculus and Exactly Solvable Schrödinger Bridges with Quadratic State Cost is accepted in Allerton 2024
[July 21, 2024] New manuscript: Weyl Calculus and Exactly Solvable Schrödinger Bridges with Quadratic State Cost
[July 18, 2024] Alexis presented [slides] our work Proximal Mean Field Learning in Shallow Neural Networks in SIAM Minisymposium: Recent Advances in Optimization for Deep Neural Networks at the 2024 SIAM Annual Meeting
[July 12, 2024] Alexis presented [slides] our work On the Contraction Coefficient of the Schrödinger Bridge for Stochastic Linear Systems in ACC 2024
[July 12, 2024] Georgiy presented [slides] our work Path Structured Multimarginal Schrödinger Bridge for Probabilistic
Learning of Hardware Resource Usage by Control Software in ACC 2024
[July 11, 2024] Presented [slides] our work Exact Computation of LTI Reach Set From Integrator Reach Set With Bounded Input in ACC 2024
[July 11, 2024] Our work A Physics-informed Deep Learning Approach for Minimum Effort Stochastic Control of Colloidal Self-Assembly received the 2024 O. Hugo Schuck Best Application Paper Award from the American Automatic Control Council
[July 11, 2024] Served as Chair for Session: "Uncertain Systems I", co-Chair for Session: "Stochastic Systems and Control I", American Control Conference 2024
[June 06, 2024] Delivered invited talk New Developments in Schrödinger Bridge: A Stochastic Control Viewpoint in Learning, Computation and Control Seminar, Department of Mathematics at Imperial College, London
[June 01, 2024] New manuscript: Schrödinger Bridge with Quadratic State Cost is Exactly Solvable
[May 21, 2024] New manuscript: Stochastic Learning of Computational Resource Usage as Graph Structured Multimarginal Schrödinger Bridge
[May 15, 2024] Our paper Solution of the Probabilistic Lambert's Problem: Optimal Transport Approach is accepted in MTNS 2024
[May 13, 2024] Delivered invited talk Generalized Schrödinger Bridges in Level Set Seminar, Department of Mathematics at UC Los Angeles
[May 02, 2024] Alexis wins the 2024-25 ARCS Foundation Fellowship. Congrats Alexis!
[April 18, 2024] Had a wonderful time with our CPS Frontier team in annual review at UPenn
[April 02, 2024] Delivered invited talk New Developments in Schrödinger Bridge, Stochastic Control and Stochastic Learning in GNC meeting, Department of Aerospace Engineering at Iowa State University
[March 15, 2024] Iman successfully defended his PhD dissertation: Measure-valued Proximal Recursions for Learning and Control . Congratulations Iman!
[March 06, 2024] Delivered invited talk New Developments in Schrödinger Bridge, Stochastic Control and Stochastic Learning in Analysis and Probability Seminar, Department of Mathematics at Iowa State University
[Feb. 02, 2024] New manuscript: Solution of the Probabilistic Lambert's Problem: Optimal Transport Approach
[Jan. 30, 2024] Congratulations Alexis for Advancement to Ph.D. Candidacy: Contraction and Reaction in Generalized Schrödinger Bridges
[Jan. 22, 2024] Our papers On the Contraction Coefficient of the Schrödinger Bridge for Stochastic Linear Systems , Exact Computation of LTI Reach Set from Integrator Reach Set with Bounded Input , and Path Structured Multimarginal Schrödinger Bridge for Probabilistic Learning of Hardware Resource Usage by Control Software are accepted in ACC 2024
[Jan. 15, 2024] New manuscript: Probabilistic Lambert Problem: Connections with Optimal Mass Transport, Schrödinger Bridge and Reaction-Diffusion PDEs
[Dec. 19, 2023] Our paper Exact Computation of LTI Reach Set from Integrator Reach Set with Bounded Input is accepted in IEEE Control Systems Letters
[Dec. 15, 2023] Johan Karlsson presented [slides] our work Optimal Mass Transport over the Euler Equation in CDC 2023
[Dec. 14, 2023] Venkat Renganathan presented [slides] our work A Controlled Mean Field Model for Chiplet Population Dynamics in CDC 2023
[Dec. 12, 2023] Our paper Proximal Mean Field Learning in Shallow Neural Networks is accepted in Transactions on Machine Learning Research
[Dec. 06, 2023] Shadi successfully passed her PhD defense: A Geometric Approach for Learning Reach Sets . Congratulations Shadi!
[Nov. 23, 2023] Our paper Neural Schrödinger Bridge with Sinkhorn Losses: Application to Data-driven Minimum Effort Control of Colloidal Self-assembly is accepted in IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
[Nov. 03, 2023] Presented our work Probabilistic Learning of Hardware Resource Usage by Control Software in Frontier Workshop at UC Berkeley
[Nov. 01, 2023] Delivered invited talk A Distributed Algorithm for Wasserstein Proximal Operator Splitting at the CSL Decision and Control Seminar in University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
[Oct. 13, 2023] Started new outreach initiative 101 Topics in ML, Control and Optimization with the help of the Translational AI Center . Delivered the first topic seminar on "Optimal transport and Schrödinger bridge for ML and data science"
[Oct. 12, 2023] Our paper On the Contraction Coefficient of the Schrödinger Bridge for Stochastic Linear Systems is accepted in IEEE Control Systems Letters
[Oct. 01, 2023] New manuscript: Path Structured Multimarginal Schrödinger Bridge for Probabilistic Learning of Hardware Resource Usage by Control Software
[Sep. 27, 2023] Delivered invited talk Neural Schrödinger Bridge for Minimum Effort Stochastic Control of Colloidal Self-Assembly in Mathematics and Deep Learning Collective at Iowa State University, Ames
[Sep. 22, 2023] Delivered invited talk Measure-valued Gradient Flows for Stochastic Prediction, Estimation, Control and Learning in Translational AI Center Seminar at Iowa State University, Ames
[Sep. 18, 2023] Delivered invited guest lecture Recent Developments in Schrödinger Bridge and Optimal Density Steering in Math 577 course on "Stochastic Control and Learning" by Misha Chertkov, Special Applied Mathematics Seminar at University of Arizona, Tuscon
[Sep. 15, 2023] New manuscript: Exact Computation of LTI Reach Set from Integrator Reach Set with Bounded Input
[Sep. 13, 2023] New manuscript: Wasserstein Consensus ADMM
[Sep. 12, 2023] New manuscript: On the Contraction Coefficient of the Schrödinger Bridge for Stochastic Linear Systems
Academic Year 2022-23
[Aug 21, 2023] Delivered invited talk A Distributed Algorithm for Wasserstein Proximal Operator Splitting in Mini-symposium on Mean Field Games and Optimal Transport with Applications in Data Science and Biology at the 10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM), Tokyo, JAPAN
[Aug 21, 2023] Interview in Cyclone Engineering
[July 27, 2023] New manuscript: Neural Schrödinger Bridge with Sinkhorn Losses: Application to Data-driven Minimum Effort Control of Colloidal Self-assembly
[July 26, 2023] Our paper A Note on the Hausdorff Distance between Norm Balls and their Linear Maps is accepted in Set-Valued and Variational Analysis
[July 25, 2023] Delivered invited talk Neural Schrödinger Bridge for Minimum Effort Stochastic Control of Colloidal Self-assembly in SIAM mini-symposium on Optimal Transport: Theory and Applications in Systems and Control at the 2023 SIAM Conference on Control and Its Applications
[July 11, 2023] Our papers Optimal Mass Transport over the Euler Equation and A Controlled Mean Field Model for Chiplet Population Dynamics are accepted in 2023 CDC
[July 01, 2023] Joined as Associate Professor in Department of Aerospace Engineering , Iowa State University
[June 02, 2023] Co-chaired two sessions: "Learning", "Learning and Stochastic Optimal Control" in ACC 2023
[June 02, 2023] Shadi presented our work on Convex and Nonconvex Sublinear Regression with Application to Data-driven Learning of Reach Sets in ACC 2023 , paper here
[May 31, 2023] Iman presented our work on A Physics-informed Deep Learning Approach for Minimum Effort Stochastic Control of Colloidal Self-Assembly in ACC 2023 , paper here
[May 30, 2023] Our paper A Controlled Mean Field Model for Chiplet Population Dynamics is accepted in IEEE Control Systems Letters
[May 18, 2023] Congratulations Charlie for the excellent MS Thesis presentation: Neural Schrödinger Bridge with Sinkhorn Losses . All the best to your career!
[May 05, 2023] Congratulations Iman for winning the 2023-24 Baskin School of Engineering Dissertation Year Fellowship!
[April 07, 2023] Alexis presented our work Solution of the probabilistic Lambert problem in the 5th NorCal Control Workshop at UC Berkeley . Iman presented poster: Wasserstein Consensus ADMM
[Mar. 31, 2023] New manuscript: Optimal Mass Transport over the Euler Equation
[Mar. 17, 2023] New manuscript: A Controlled Mean Field Model for Chiplet Population Dynamics
[Feb. 03, 2023] Our paper The Curious Case of Integrator Reach Sets, Part I: Basic Theory is accepted in IEEE TAC
[Jan. 19, 2023] Our papers Convex and Nonconvex Sublinear Regression with Application to Data-driven Learning of Reach Sets and A Physics-informed Deep Learning Approach for Minimum Effort Stochastic Control of Colloidal Self-Assembly are accepted in 2023 ACC
[Jan. 19, 2023] Excited to co-organize Invited Session 'Learning and Stochastic Optimal Control' with Ali Mesbah at the 2023 American Control Conference
[Jan. 17, 2023] Delivered invited talk Finite Horizon Optimal Density Regulation for Nonlinear Systems in IEEE Control Systems Society Chapter at the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
[Dec. 07, 2022] Shadi presented our works: Certifying the Intersection of Reach Sets of Integrator Agents with Set-valued Input Uncertainties and Schrödinger Meets Kuramoto via Feynman-Kac: Minimum Effort Distribution Steering for Noisy Nonuniform Kuramoto Oscillators in 2022 CDC . The slides for certifying intersection , and the slides for Schrödinger Meets Kuramoto
[Dec. 05, 2022] Congrats Kenneth for the successful Ph.D. defense. All the best!
[Nov. 17, 2022] Delivered invited talk Generalized Gradient Flows for Stochastic Prediction, Estimation, Learning and Control in Iowa State University
[Nov. 07, 2022] Delivered invited talk A Distributed Algorithm for Wasserstein Proximal Operator Splitting: Theory and Applications in UC Santa Cruz
[Nov. 04, 2022] Delivered invited talk A Distributed Algorithm for Wasserstein Proximal Operator Splitting: Theory and Applications in University of Alabama
[Oct. 25, 2022] New manuscript: Proximal Mean Field Learning in Shallow Neural Networks
[Oct. 22, 2022] Our paper Stochastic Uncertainty Propagation in Power System Dynamics using Measure-valued Proximal Recursions is accepted in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
[Oct. 14, 2022] Had the wonderful kick-off meeting for our NSF CPS Frontier project at UC Santa Cruz
[Oct. 03, 2022] New manuscript: Convex and Nonconvex Sublinear Regression with Application to Data-driven Learning of Reach Sets
Academic Year 2021-22
[Sep. 15, 2022] Delivered talk A Distributed Algorithm for Measure-valued Optimization with Additive Objective in the Invited Session "Optimal Transport in Networks and Systems" at MTNS 2022
[Sep. 12, 2022] Iman started internship at Onsemi
[Aug. 21, 2022] New manuscript: A Physics-informed Deep Learning Approach for Minimum Effort Stochastic Control of Colloidal Self-Assembly
[Aug. 10, 2022] We have an open Postdoctoral Scholar position in our group in the area of online learning and stochastic control
[Aug. 08, 2022] My interview in Macrocosm magazine for COSMOS 2022
[Aug. 05, 2022] Had a great four weeks teaching feedback control to 8-11 graders in COSMOS 2022 with Alexis Teter , Ricardo Sanfelice and Santiago Jiminez Leudo . The student comments received at the end of our course
[July 15, 2022] Our papers Schrödinger Meets Kuramoto via Feynman-Kac: Minimum Effort Distribution Steering for Noisy Nonuniform Kuramoto Oscillators and Certifying the Intersection of Reach Sets of Integrator Agents with Set-valued Input Uncertainties (also in L-CSS) are accepted in 2022 CDC
[June 27, 2022] Our CPS Frontier project Computation-Aware Algorithmic Design for Cyber-Physical Systems has been funded by the NSF
[June 26, 2022] New manuscript: Hausdorff Distance between Norm Balls and their Linear Maps
[June 17, 2022] Congrats to Shadi for winning the UCSC Applied Mathematics Research Award!
[June 14, 2022] Delivered invited talk Finite Horizon Optimal Density Steering for Nonlinear Systems in Palo Alto Research Center
[June 10, 2022] Shadi presented our work Boundary and Taxonomy of Integrator Reach Sets in 2022 ACC. Slides for the talk
[June 06, 2022] Joined the Editorial Board of Systems and Control Letters
[June 06, 2022] Our invited paper A Distributed Algorithm for Measure-valued Optimization with Additive Objective is accepted in 2022 Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems
[June 03, 2022] Iman presented our work Neural Schrödinger Bridge for Minimum Effort Self-assembly in the 4th NorCal Control Workshop at UC Santa Cruz
[May 30, 2022] Our paper Certifying the Intersection of Reach Sets of Integrator Agents with Set-valued Input Uncertainties is accepted in IEEE Control Systems Letters
[May 26, 2022] Delivered invited talk Prediction and Optimal Feedback Control of Probability Densities in Power System Dynamics in 2022 NSF AMPS PIs Workshop at George Mason University
[May 03, 2022] We co-organized the 2nd Workshop on Computation-Aware Algorithmic Design for Cyber-Physical systems at the 2022 CPS-IoT Week with the amazing team: Murat Arcak , Heiner Litz , Lin Pham , Ricardo Sanfelice , and Majid Zamani. All talk recordings available at the workshop website.
[March 30, 2022] Delivered invited talk Generalized Gradient Flows for Stochastic Prediction, Estimation, Learning and Control in Yahoo! Research
[March 22, 2022] New manuscript: Certifying the Intersection of Reach Sets of Integrator Agents with Set-valued Input Uncertainties
[Feb. 18, 2022] New manuscript: Schrödinger Meets Kuramoto via Feynman-Kac: Minimum Effort Distribution Steering for Noisy Nonuniform Kuramoto Oscillators
[Feb. 17, 2022] New manuscript: A Distributed Algorithm for Measure-valued Optimization with Additive Objective
[Feb. 09, 2022] Congrats to Iman for Advancement to Ph.D. Candidacy: Measure-valued Proximal Recursions for Learning and Control
[Jan. 31, 2022] Our paper Boundary and Taxonomy of Integrator Reach Sets is accepted in the 2022 American Control Conference
[Jan. 26, 2022] Delivered invited talk Generalized Gradient Flows for Stochastic Prediction, Estimation, Learning and Control in the Optimal Transport and Mean Field Games Seminar, University of South Carolina
[Jan. 20, 2022] Delivered invited talk Generalized Gradient Flows for Stochastic Prediction, Estimation, Learning and Control in Ford Research and Advanced Engineering
[Jan. 19, 2022] Congrats to Shadi for Advancement to Ph.D. Candidacy with Honors! Fantastic talk: A geometric approach for learning reach sets
[Jan. 16, 2022] Our paper Density-based Stochastic Reachability Computation for Occupancy Prediction in Automated Driving is accepted in IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
[Dec. 14, 2021] Collaborator and co-author Isin Balci presented our paper On the Convexity of Discrete Time Covariance Steering in Stochastic Linear
Systems with Wasserstein Terminal Cost at the 2021 CDC
[Dec. 12, 2021] Delivered workshop talk Stochastic Uncertainty Propagation in Power System Dynamics using Measure-valued Proximal Recursions at the 2021 CDC
[Dec. 12, 2021] Our two-day workshop Uncertainty Management in Power System Dynamics at the 2021 CDC
co-organized with Misha Chertkov and Mert Korkali , was a great success. Very exciting talks and engaging discussions! All slides and videos available in the workshop website
Academic Year 2020-21
[Sep 01, 2021] New manuscript: The Boundary and Taxonomy of Integrator Reach Sets
[Aug 27, 2021] New manuscript: Stochastic Uncertainty Propagation in Power System Dynamics using Measure-valued Proximal Recursions
[Aug 11, 2021] Congratulations Qingyuan for fantastic SciCAM MS thesis defense
[July 31, 2021] Excited to co-organize the full day workshop Uncertainty Management in Power System Dynamics at the 2021 CDC with Misha Chertkov and Mert Korkali
[July 30, 2021] Finished teaching the course Feedback Control to 9-11 graders in 2021 COSMOS . The course received very positive responses
[July 28, 2021] Our project Learning and Distributional Feedback Control for Fabrication of Advanced Materials has been funded by the NSF
[July 27, 2021] Our paper On the Convexity of Discrete Time Covariance Steering in Stochastic Linear Systems with Wasserstein Terminal Cost is accepted at the 2021 CDC
[July 19, 2021] Delivered the Discovery Lecture Uncertainties and Feedback Control in Mars Entry-Descent-Landing at the 2021 California State Summer School for Mathematics and Science (COSMOS)
[July 02, 2021] Elevated to IEEE Senior Member
[May 27, 2021] Shadi presented our work "Prediction and Optimal Feedback Steering of Probability Density Functions for Safe Automated Driving" . Here are the slides for the talk
[May 25, 2021] Chaired the ACC 2021 session: Stochastic Systems. Presented our work "Reflected Schrödinger Bridge: Density Control with Path Constraints" . Here are the slides for the talk
[May 24, 2021] Our full day Workshop "Control of Distributions: Theory and Applications" at the ACC 2021 organized with Efstathios Bakolas , Yongxin Chen , and Panagiotis Tsiotras was a great success. Presented our work on Finite Horizon Optimal Density Regulation for Nonlinear Systems
[May 18, 2021] Presented our work on Anytime Ellipsoidal Over-approximation of Forward Reach Sets of Uncertain Linear Systems in the Workshop on Computation-Aware Algorithmic Design for Cyber-Physical systems , 2021 CPS-IoT Week. Was a great experience to co-organize this with the amazing team: with Murat Arcak , Heiner Litz , Lin Pham , Ricardo Sanfelice , and Majid Zamani
[April 10, 2021] Excited to participate in the Professor Panel at UCSC Engineering Baskin Day 2021
[April 05, 2021] Our paper Anytime Ellipsoidal Over-approximation of Forward Reach Sets of Uncertain Linear Systems has been accepted in the Workshop on "Computation-Aware Algorithmic Design for Cyber-Physical Systems" at the 2021 CPS-IoT week
[March 24, 2021] New manuscripts: On the Convexity of Discrete Time Covariance Steering in Stochastic Linear Systems with Wasserstein Terminal Cost and The Boundary and Taxonomy of Integrator Reach Sets
[March 07, 2021] New manuscript: Anytime Ellipsoidal Over-approximation of Forward Reach Sets of Uncertain Linear Systems
[Feb 21, 2021] New manuscript: The Curious Case of Integrator Reach Sets, Part I: Basic Theory
[Feb 06, 2021] Our paper Wasserstein Proximal Algorithms for the Schrödinger Bridge Problem: Density Control with Nonlinear Drift is accepted in IEEE TAC
[Jan 30, 2021] Excited to co-organize the workshop "Control of Distributions: Theory and Applications" at the ACC 2021 with Efstathios Bakolas , Yongxin Chen , and Panagiotis Tsiotras .
[Jan 24, 2021] Our papers "Reflected Schrödinger Bridge: Density Control with Path Constraints" and "Prediction and Optimal Feedback Steering of Probability Density Functions for Safe Automated Driving" (also in IEEE Control Systems Letters) are accepted in ACC 2021.
[Jan 22, 2021] The 3rd NorCal Control Conference (virtual) has talk slides and videos online. Thanks to all the students for sharing your exciting works. Shadi presented her work on the convex geometry of integrator reach sets .
[Dec 06, 2020] Excited to co-organize the workshop "Computation-Aware Algorithmic Design for Cyber-Physical Systems" at the 2021 CPS-IoT week with Murat Arcak , Heiner Litz , Lin Pham , Ricardo Sanfelice , and Majid Zamani .
[Dec 05, 2020] Our paper Prediction and Optimal Feedback Steering of Probability Density Functions for Safe Automated Driving is accepted in IEEE Control Systems Letters
[Nov. 19, 2020] Invited talk in the 2020 NSF AMPS PI Workshop
[Nov. 18, 2020] Invited talk in the Controls, Autonomy and Robotics Seminar at University of Texas, Austin, TX .
[Oct. 14, 2020] Excited to announce new COSMOS cluster Feedback Control with Applications to Robotics for talented high school students
[Sep. 14, 2020] New manuscript: Prediction and Optimal Feedback Steering of Probability Density Functions for Safe Automated Driving
Academic Year 2019-20
[Aug. 01, 2020] Our project "Computation-Aware Algorithmic Design for Cyber-Physical Systems for Intelligent Transportation" was awarded the UCSC center-scale seed funding
[July 09, 2020] Our paper Smallest Ellipsoid Containing \(p\)-sum of Ellipsoids with Application to Reachability Analysis is accepted in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
[July 03, 2020] Shadi presented our work on convex geometry of integrator reach sets in ACC 2020
[July 02, 2020] Kenneth presented our work on finite horizon density steering for multi-input state feedback linearizable systems in ACC 2020
[July 01, 2020] Chair/co-chairing sessions "Stochastic Systems" and "Uncertain Systems II" in ACC 2020
[June 23, 2020] New manuscript: Density-based Stochastic Reachability Computation for Occupancy Prediction in Automated Driving
[June 05, 2020] New manuscript: Global Convergence of Second-order Dynamics in Two-layer Neural Networks
[May 27, 2020] Invited talk in the Probabilistics Seminar Series, GE Research, NY
[March 30, 2020] New manuscript: Reflected Schrödinger Bridge: Density Control with Path Constraints
[Feb. 25, 2020] Invited talk in the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA
[Feb. 11, 2020] Congrats to Kenneth for advancement to candidacy. Great job!
[Jan. 16, 2020] Our papers The Convex Geometry of Integrator Reach Sets , and Finite Horizon Density Steering for Multi-input State Feedback Linearizable Systems are accepted in ACC 2020
[Dec. 12, 2019] Collaborator and co-author Fernando Fontes presented our results on controlling thermal inertial loads in the 2019 CDC Session "Optimal Control V". Here is the paper in IEEE Control Systems Letters
[Dec. 11, 2019] Collaborator and co-author Tryphon Georgiou presented our proximal recursion framework for the Wonham filter in the 2019 CDC Invited Session "Advances in Nonlinear Filtering and Stochastic Control with Partial
Information I". Here is the invited paper
[Dec. 10, 2019] Invited talk in the 2019 CDC workshop: Uncertainty Synthesis
[Dec. 5, 2019] Our paper Hopfield Neural Network Flow: A Geometric Viewpoint is accepted in IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
[Dec. 3, 2019] New manuscript: Wasserstein Proximal Algorithms for the Schrödinger Bridge Problem: Density Control with Nonlinear Drift
[Nov. 15, 2019] Shadi gave spotlight talk and poster presentation showing our results on reach sets in the 2019 Bay Area Robotics Symposium
[Nov. 15, 2019] Invited talk in the 2019 Bay Area Robotics Symposium
[Oct. 31, 2019] Invited talk in Google Research
[Oct. 23, 2019] Invited talk in the 2019 NSF AMPS PIs Workshop
[Oct. 7, 2019] Talk in the Applied Math Seminar at UC Santa Cruz
[Oct. 4, 2019] Invited talk in the Center for Control, Dynamical Systems, and Computation at UC Santa Barbara
[Sept. 27, 2019] Two new manuscripts: The Convex Geometry of Integrator Reach Sets , and Finite Horizon Density Steering for Multi-input State Feedback Linearizable Systems
Academic Year 2018-19
[Sept. 10, 2019] Will be giving an invited talk "Wasserstein gradient flow for filtering and control: theory and algorithms" in the SIAM UQ 2020 mini-symposium 'Optimal Control Methods for Nonlinear Filtering and Data Assimilation' at Munich, Germany
[August 30, 2019] Will be giving an invited talk "Toward Feedback Control of Densities in Nonlinear Systems" in the CDC 2019 workshop 'Uncertainty Synthesis' at Nice, France
[August 5, 2019] New manuscript: Hopfield Neural Network Flow: A Geometric Viewpoint
[July 30, 2019] Our project "Optimal Transport Algorithms for Stochastic Uncertainty Management in Modern Power Systems" has been funded by the NSF.
[July 28, 2019] Appointed as Associate Editor in the IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS) Conference Editorial Board (CEB)
[July 19, 2019] Our works on proximal recursion for the Wonham filter and optimal control of thermostatic loads have been accepted in 2019 CDC
[July 12, 2019] Kenneth presented our work on gradient flow algorithms for propagating PDFs, and Zahra presented our work on opinion dynamics in 2019 ACC
[June 18, 2019] Our paper Gradient Flow Algorithms for Density Propagation in Stochastic Systems is conditionally accepted in TAC
[May 20, 2019] Talk on Gradient Flows for Prediction and Control of Densities in ECE seminar at UCSC
[May 16, 2019] Our paper Optimal Control of Thermostatic Loads for Planning Aggregate Consumption: Characterization of Solution and Explicit Strategies is accepted in L-CSS
[April 26, 2019] Kenneth presented our gradient flow algorithms for density propagation in stochastic systems at the 2019 CITRIS/CPAR Symposium on Control Theory and Automation, and the 2nd Norcal Control Workshop at UC Berkeley.
[April 3, 2019] New manuscript: Finite Horizon Density Control for Static State Feedback Linearizable Systems
[March 19, 2019] Our paper Stability Theory of Stochastic Models in Opinion Dynamics is accepted in TAC
[March 17, 2019] New manuscript: Proximal Recursion for the Wonham Filter
[March 1, 2019] New manuscript: Optimal Control of Thermostatic Loads for Planning Aggregate Consumption: Characterization of Solution and Explicit Strategies
[Feb. 17, 2019] We are excited to announce the 2019 CITRIS/CPAR Symposium on Control Theory and Automation, and the 2nd Norcal Control Workshop to be held at UC Berkeley. Early registration ends April 1.
[Feb. 15, 2019] Our paper DeGroot-Friedkin Map in Opinion Dynamics is Mirror Descent is accepted in L-CSS
[Jan. 31, 2019] I will Chair the session 'Optimization Algorithms III' and co-chair 'Markov Processes II' in 2019 American Control Conference
[Jan. 28, 2019] Appointed as Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems
[Jan. 27, 2019] Our papers "Proximal Recursion for Solving the Fokker-Planck
Equation" and "Stability Analysis of Opinion Dynamics over Influence Networks" are accepted in ACC 2019.
[Jan. 24, 2019] The 1st NorCal Control Workshop conference report has been published in the Feb. 2019 issue of IEEE Control Systems Magazine.
[Jan. 03, 2019] Robotics and Control Research Video at UCSC Baskin Engineering .
[Dec. 28, 2018] New manuscript: DeGroot-Friedkin Map in Opinion Dynamics is Mirror Descent .
[Dec. 19, 2018] Our project "Fast Computation of Stochastic Reachability for Provably Safe Planning and Control in Automated Driving" has been funded by the Ford Motor Company.
[Dec. 18, 2018] Co-chaired session "Computational Methods II" and presented our work on fast computation of MVOE for reach sets at the 57th CDC 2018 .
[Nov. 25, 2018] New manuscript: Gradient Flow Algorithms for Density Propagation in Stochastic Systems .
[Oct. 18, 2018] CITRIS special event on Drones: Technology, Policy, and Society at UC Berkeley
[Oct. 10, 2018] Talk on gradient flows in uncertainty propagation and filtering at San José State University (SJSU) Math/Stats Colloquium
Academic Year 2017-18
[Sep. 26, 2018] New manuscript on solving the Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov PDE as gradient flow: Proximal Recursion for Solving the Fokker-Planck Equation . Obviates spatial discretization or function approximation.
[Aug 20, 2018] Our paper Optimal Power Consumption for Demand Response of Thermostatically Controlled Loads is accepted in Optimal Control Applications and Methods
[July 13, 2018] The paper On the Parameterized Computation of Minimum Volume Outer Ellipsoid of Minkowski Sum of Ellipsoids is accepted in CDC 2018
[June 28, 2018] Talk on Proximal Filtering in Fisher-Rao Metric at 2018 ACC .
[June 20, 2018] Brunn-Minkowski-Firey theory meets reachability analysis: Smallest Ellipsoid Containing \(p\)-sum of Ellipsoids with Application to Reachability Analysis .
[May 05, 2018] New manuscript On the Parameterized Computation of Minimum Volume Outer Ellipsoid of Minkowski Sum of Ellipsoids develops fast algorithm for tight over-approximation of the Minkowski sum.
[April 27, 2018] Lia and Kenneth presented research posters on UTM and uncertainty propagation at the CITRIS/CPAR Symposium on Control Theory and Automation, and the 1st Norcal Control Workshop at UC Santa Cruz.
[April 01, 2018] I am co-organizer (with R. Sanfelice , K. Goldberg and R. Berenstein ) for the CITRIS/CPAR Symposium on Control Theory and Automation, and the 1st Norcal Control Workshop at UC Santa Cruz on April 27, 2018. Please plan to attend if you are in the area.
[March 8, 2018] I will Chair the 'Filtering' session in 2018 American Control Conference
[March 7, 2018] Received seed grant from CITRIS and the Banatao Institute, People and Robots Initiative (CPAR)
[Feb. 12, 2018] Talk on Reachable Tube Computation for Unmanned Air Traffic Management in CPAR DREAMS seminar, UC Berkeley
[Jan. 29, 2018] Received New Faculty Research grant from UCSC Committee on Research
[Jan. 20, 2018] Our paper Gradient Flows in Filtering and Fisher-Rao Geometry is accepted in ACC 2018 as an Invited Paper
[Jan. 5, 2018] Joined IEEE CSS Technical Committee on Systems with Uncertainty
[Dec. 4, 2017] Talk on filtering at Applied Math special seminar, Jack Baskin School of Engineering, UC Santa Cruz
[Oct. 4, 2017] Talk on Unmanned Air Traffic Management at Second Annual Center for Research in Open Source Software (CROSS) Research Symposium, UC Santa Cruz
[Oct. 1, 2017] Joined as Assistant Professor in the Dept. of Applied Mathematics and Statistics , UC Santa Cruz
[Sep. 28, 2017] New manuscript: Gradient Flows in Filtering and Fisher-Rao Geometry shows Kalman-Bucy filter is gradient descent w.r.t. the Riemannian metric
[July 12, 2017] Our paper Gradient Flows in Uncertainty Propagation
and Filtering of Linear Gaussian Systems is accepted in CDC 2017
[June 10, 2017] New manuscript: $\href{https://arxiv.org/pdf/1706.03158.pdf}{\text{Stability Theory in }\ell_{1}\;\text{for Nonlinear Markov Chains and
Stochastic Models for Opinion Dynamics over}}$ $\href{https://arxiv.org/pdf/1706.03158.pdf}{\text{Influence Networks}}$
[April 21, 2017] Talk on filtering at the 32nd Southern California Control Workshop, Caltech
[April 13, 2017] Talk at the Dept. of Aerospace Engineering , Mississippi State University
[March 31, 2017] Talk at the Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering , Syracuse University
[March 20, 2017] Talk at the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering , UT Dallas
[January 27, 2017] Talk at the Dept. of Applied Mathematics and Statistics , UC Santa Cruz
[Dec. 12, 2016] Control of Large Scale Cyberphysical Systems poster at CDC 2016 , Las Vegas, NV
[Dec. 5, 2016] Talk on demand response at Comverge Inc. , Denver, CO
[Nov. 26, 2016] Paper selected by the IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) Technical Committee for presentation in 2017 PES General Meeting
[Nov. 4, 2016] Paper accepted in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
[Nov. 3, 2016] Talk on demand response at Texas A&M Workshop on Architecture and Economics
of the Future Grid
[Nov. 1, 2016] Check out new website gridx.tamu.edu for our research on future power grid
[Oct. 31, 2016] Presented poster on demand response at the 2016 NSF CPS PI meeting
[Sep. 23, 2016] Two updated manuscripts:
-- Architecture and Algorithms for Privacy Preserving Thermal Inertial Load Management by A Load Serving Entity
-- Optimal Power Consumption for Demand Response of Thermostatically Controlled Loads
[Aug. 26, 2016] Our son Rishav is born
[July 8, 2016] Slides for the talk at ACC 2016 at Boston
[June 24, 2016] Manuscript submitted to Transactions on Power Systems
[June 17, 2016] Slides for the talk at ERCOT Demand Side Working Group meeting
[April 9-13, 2016] Workshop on Control at Large Scales: Energy Markets and Responsive Grids , IMA Thematic Year on Control Theory and its Applications , Minneapolis, 2016. (Group Photo )
[Jan. 28, 2016] Density control paper accepted in ACC 2016
[Nov. 16-17, 2015] Presented poster on smart grid research at the 2015 NSF CPS PI meeting
[Nov. 3, 2015] Talk on demand response at SmartgridComm 2015
[Oct. 26, 2015] Talk on demand response at Texas A&M Electrical Power & Power Electronics Institute seminar (see flyer )
[Oct. 9, 2015] Presented poster on demand response at the 2015 Winedale workshop
Brief Bio
Abhishek Halder is an Associate Professor in the Department of Aerospace Engineering at Iowa State University, and a Visiting Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Mathematics at University of California Santa Cruz.
His research
interests are in stochastic systems, control and optimization with application
focus on large scale cyber-physical systems. He is a co-founder of the annual NorCal Control Workshop that brings together systems-control researchers from academia and industry in the Northern California region fostering collaboration and professional networking. He is the creator and instructor for the course "Feedback
Control" in the California State Summer School for Mathematics &
Science (COSMOS) which teaches feedback control theory to 8-11
graders without using calculus or linear algebra. His research has been recognized with the O. Hugo Schuck Best Application Paper Award from the American Automatic Control Council, Applied Mathematics Research Award from UC Santa Cruz, Outstanding Doctoral Student Award from Texas A&M, and Best Dual Degree Thesis Award from IIT Kharagpur. He has been the Associate Editor of ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control (2025-present), Systems & Control Letters (2022-present), IEEE Control Systems Society Conference Editorial Board (2019-present), IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems (2019-20). Abhishek is a Senior Member of IEEE, Member of IFAC and ASME.